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All Feature Articles Archives - Page 27 of 42 - The Expeditioner Travel Site

All Feature Articles

Why I Quit My Job To Travel The World Or (Some Would Believe) Why I Chose To Commit Financial Suicide

Monday, October 10, 2011

“Hi I’m Wei and I just quit my job of 10 years. I intend to spend the next year traveling around the world with my wife.” You’d be surprised by the myriad of responses this ice-breaking statement managed to evoke. The wife and I are used to hearing the gasps of horror and the plain […]

The Secret Guide To Barcelona

Monday, October 3, 2011

There is something about Barcelona that brings out the intrepid adventurer in travelers. Maybe it’s the long narrow passages that seem to disappear around dark corners that arouses the explorer in all of us to want to push further into the unknown. I have always felt the urge to walk and discover Barcelona on foot, pushing […]

My Salsa Lessons From A Prostitute In Colombia

Monday, September 26, 2011

“Dude, if you wanna meet local girls you gotta be able to dance.” I avoided the tango in Buenos Aires, but it’s going to be hard to avoid salsa in the Caribbean. “I hate dancing.” “You’ve just gotta move your hips.” “I’ll need a few more of these first.” I take another sip of watery […]

My Dolphin Adventure In Tahiti

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thirty-four days after arriving in Mo’orea, I let out a sigh and look over at Riley. She’s sitting with her chin propped up in her hands, gazing through the window at the still, turquoise waters encompassed by those unreal jagged peaks. Twenty-two other students sit quietly, their eyes glazed over, spirits low. We’re in the […]

My 6 Ways On How To Fix Air Travel (And Eliminate Its Suck Factor)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It seems as though the brilliant minds that came up with the nearly pointless pre-flight safety speech have continued to devolve into the realm of customer non-service since I last boarded a plane. On my recent flying escapade around the U.S. to visit family, I couldn’t help but be constantly reminded of this. As a […]

Cooking Class In Thailand: Learning Culture Through The Tongue

Monday, September 12, 2011

“Tan Khao Ma Rue Yung?” asks our cooking instructor, as she holds up ginger root, also known as khing in Thai, its sharp and slightly tangy scent awakening my sense of smell. We are standing in a Chiang Mai market choosing fresh ingredients for the day, and she has just asked us if we have […]

An Unforgettable Tour Through Southeast Asia [Photo Essay]

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 founder and friend of our site Stephen Bugno spent a good part of this year traveling through Southeast Asia as part of his nomadic wanderings. To try to encapsulate such a trip in 10 or 11 pictures would be futile, but I asked Stephen if I could share with our readers some of my […]

The Expeditioner’s August Travel Photo Contest Winner: Rural India

Thursday, September 1, 2011

For the August photography contest over at our Flickr group, we sought out shots of what you defined as rural life. The submissions we receive every month never fail to amaze. More impressive than their locale is the spot on rural-ness of each shot. This month’s entrants were from all over the globe: Namibia, Vietnam, […]

Barcelona Arenas: From Bullring To Cash Cow

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Arenas Bullring, Barcelona’s iconic structure, once again felt the roar of the crowd and the tremble of footsteps upon its historic sands this year. However, no bull or matador was present. The bullring has been officially reborn as an entertainment complex. Arenas now houses 115 shops, a cinema and Barcelona’s brand new rock museum, Musel del […]

The 7 Commandments Of A South American Roadtrip

Monday, August 22, 2011

Take one old and, as it turns out, less than reliable Volkwagen Combi. Paint it purple, and make it convertible. Fill it with a motley and changeable crew of South American musos, European backpackers and one dog. Hit the Panamericana, and drive north. That, baby, is where the sun is. Before you do, though, you’ll want […]

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